This pool is currently in maintenance mode.
Please note: due to the need for wallet maintenance we are pausing the pool
Contributor Shares
Rank |
Donor |
User Name |
Shares |
1 |
gatmac |
19,673,248 |
2 |
rickuht |
481,424 |
3 |
paulzase |
20,480 |
Contributor Hashrates
Rank |
Donor |
User Name |
KH/s |
MRS/Day |
General Statistics
Pool Hash Rate |
0.000 MH/s |
Pool Efficiency |
99.38% |
Current Active Workers |
0 |
Current Difficulty |
903.55203159 |
Est. Next Difficulty |
832.60382779 (Change in 393 Blocks) |
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) |
2 minutes 42 seconds |
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) |
zero seconds |
Est. Shares this Round |
59,215,186 (done: 34.07%) |
Next Network Block |
2,299,864 (Current: 2,299,863) |
Last Block Found |
1,755,891 |
Time Since Last Block |
23026 hours 30 minutes 10 seconds |
Last Found Blocks
Block |
Finder |
Time |
Actual Shares |
1755891 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 16:11:04 |
786,544 |
1755890 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 16:09:15 |
1,798,416 |
1755889 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 16:05:39 |
3,162,768 |
1755888 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:58:48 |
962,704 |
1755887 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:56:42 |
987,360 |
1755886 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:54:23 |
712,880 |
1755885 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:52:57 |
2,544,000 |
1755884 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:47:16 |
458,816 |
1755883 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:46:20 |
233,536 |
1755882 |
paulzase |
07/09/2022 15:45:50 |
938,192 |