This pool is currently in maintenance mode.
  Please note: due to the need for wallet maintenance we are pausing the pool
posted 11/30/2023 09:33:30 by phoenixx

The site was down due to an extended power outage in the region for several hours.

Pool issue
posted 03/27/2023 14:10:54 by phoenixx

There seems to be some sort of issue with the pool imcrementing dates at the moment
If possible please mine on other pools, as we may need to do a pool wipe and start fresh.
If this happens I will do a manual payout of user balances beforehand.

Gmail rejecting emails
posted 12/08/2022 11:52:49 by phoenixx

Gmail has started classifying all emails from self host email servers as spam regardless of the content at the moment.

This is a result of some poorly written laws passed this year.   I will need to manually re-send emails for registrations or password resets, which will delay them somewhat.

Nothing I can do about it, its a political issue.

Pool Maintenance
posted 07/26/2022 13:53:14 by phoenixx

In an effort to resolve the orphan issue the pool is currently reindexing, eta several hours.

Orphan Audit Completed
posted 07/04/2022 11:30:11 by phoenixx

I noticed a lot of orphans this month on the pool.

Although I am unsure the cause, I have manually Audited potential losses and crediited all the miners active or with unclaimed payouts due to orphans rounding up to the nearest unit.

Many of you (19 in fact) should see small or modest payments coming in on your payout addresses today.

If the orphans keep occuring, I would suggest miners move over to the official marscoin pool at

The Other Marscoin Pool.

Confirmation functionality restored.
posted 12/07/2021 13:15:52 by phoenixx

Hi,  the issue with confirmations not showing since the blockchain issue a few months back should now be resolved.

Issues with pool at the moment.
posted 11/10/2021 11:53:41 by phoenixx

Please note due to some email configuration issues our outgoing mail may not be working for activation emails and notifications.

Pool running public
posted 05/21/2021 15:29:18 by phoenixx

The pool is publicly online this weekend for all users as a test run.    If you wish to mine please configure your miners and auto-payout settings.   
That way, if we are forced to move the pool back to private network mode, you should still be able to mine.

Please contact us using the contact form if you wish to continue having access to the worker stats page in the event we need to set the pool back to private again.

Silent Running....
posted 02/20/2021 21:22:35 by phoenixx

You may not be able to see the pool.  But you may be able to mine if you connect a previously used miner.

If you can see this message welcome to the Mars Underground.

Remember the first rule of fight club...

New record. 26 Million KH on the network
posted 01/25/2021 11:01:14 by phoenixx

New all time high on Marscoin at the moment.
Network speed: 26 Million KH.       Our Pool Speed 5 Million KH  Previous record: 0.7 Million KH

Viva la Mars revolution.

Now under testing
posted 01/02/2021 19:51:29 by phoenixx

ok, looks good so far, running my old Mines of Mars miner as a test.    Watch this space.